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Brondesbury Chapter No. 2698

Scribe E      Ex.Comp Michael Stirton

email address 



Meeting Dates and start time is 11.00am

Third Thursday in February

1st Thursday in May

3rd Thursday in November (Installation)


Metropolitan Grand Lodge/Chapter is keen to encourage lodges and chapters that meet during daylight hours and at the forefront of this initiative is Brondesbury Chapter No. 2698.

Consecrated in 1910 Brondesbury Chapter has during the last 108 years seen many changes but until 2016 it always met during the late afternoon followed by dinner which would finish at 9.00pm or thereabouts. In 2016 the members voted in favour of holding their Convocations at 11.00am followed by luncheon which usually concludes by 2.45pm or thereabouts. This decision was taken to accommodate the needs of those members and visitors who do not wish to travel home at night time but also to assist those whose working commitments are outside the usual hours of 9.00 to 5.00 This has resulted in an increase in joining members and visitors.  At the same time the Chapter has arranged interesting speakers and demonstrations for its convocations. Its most recent convocation in February 2018 witnessed a most interesting and informative illustrated talk from Andrew Farleigh on “The Swinging Sixties” and on May 3rd 2018 Mike Neville delivered an illustrated talk on “Jack the Ripper, Jack the Mason?”


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