Bush Hill Park Lodge No. 7200
Secretary WBro Peter Lovell MBE
Email Address peterlovell@blueyonder.co.uk
Telephone Number 07921 805890
Website www.bhplodge.org
Meeting Dates
3rd Monday in February
3rd Monday in April
3rd Monday in October
3rd Monday in December
Brief history
Bush Hill Park Lodge was formed as the result of a meeting of a number of Freemasons held in September 1951 to investigate the formation of a new Lodge covering the Bush Hill Park area of Enfield, in the masonic province of Middlesex.
It was consecrated (formerly launched) on Monday, 22nd September 1952 at Freemasons’ Hall, the consecrating Master being the then Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex, R.W. Bro. Philip C. Bull DSO TD.
The first ordinary (“regular”) meeting of the Lodge was held on 8th December 1952, was held at the Red Lion Hotel in Barnet, as no suitable meeting places were available at the time in Enfield. The Lodge then moved to its present meeting place, the Southgate Masonic Centre in north London. The Centre was the final realisation of several years of hard work by Lodges in North Middlesex to find a permanent home.
Bush Hill Park is proud to have been associated with the creation of the Southgate Masonic Centre, as one of the Founder Lodges.