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Lodge of Faith No. 141


Secretary        WBro Jeremy Reese

Email Address

Treasurer  Nigel Reese

Mobile  07973 862699

Phone 020 8958 6093





Meeting Dates


4th Tuesday in January

4th Tuesday in March

4th Wednesday in May

4th Wednesday in September

4th Wednesday in November

Short History

The Lodge of Faith 141 is an old lodge being founded on the 8th November 1774 so we pre-date America!!!


The lodge is an Athol Lodge which means that the Duke of Athol was the Grand Master of the Ancients Grand Lodge when we were formed.  We still have the original warrant granting the right to form a Lodge.  This is a unique document more so because it is dated 8th November 1774 and signed by the Duke of Athol.  However, the Duke sadly died on the 5th November 1774.  We have assumed he pre-signed the warrant with the date of the formation of the Lodge as a matter of convenience, not expecting to die 3 days before that date.  The other oddity is that when the warrant was created no name had been chosen for the Lodge so unlike virtually every other warrant there is no Lodge name on it.


We also have our own furniture which is Georgian and over 200 years old.  We use this in every meeting so if you attend you will see this.  We also have another unique item and that is our tracing board box.  This was made by a skilled carpenter when the lodge was formed and has the boards on pulleys similar to a sash window.  I recommend coming to a meeting to see this, especially if it is raising a brother to a Master Mason as there is one board that again is unique to Lodge of Faith 141.


Early in the 2000's because two of the members were frequent visitors to Lodges in France, they invited several French Masons to join Lodge of Faith 141.  As a result, and because they have in turn recommended us to their friends, about 40% of the lodge members are French but all the work is done in English.


In 2024 we will be celebrating our 250th year.  It promises to be spectacular.

Contact Us

Southgate Masonic Centre, 88 High Street, Southgate, London N14 6EB

© Copyright (2018 - 2024) All rights reserved to Southgate Masonic Centre. 

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