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All Craft Lodges, Royal Arch Chapters and other Orders who dine at the Centre should contact our

Head Chef  Paul Watts  as soon as possible before the meeting date.

A summons for the meeting must be with the Centre at least 2 weeks prior to a meeting.

All  units dining at the centre are to provide a lodge contact to the office including an email address

and telephone number.

Estimated total diners  plus the meal options must be notified at least 7 days before a meeting. 

This is to include an estimated dining time.

The numbers for Tea & biscuits must be notified at least 48 hours before a meeting

Final dining numbers must be notified no later that 48 hours before a meeting

Under booking and late booking may cause shortages in food on the night.

A table plan must be offered to the Centre at least 48 hours before a meeting.

Telephone    020 8882 3074

Our Head Chef  can be contacted at

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